The Phonorecords III Remand – 8/23/22 Webinar

| August 24, 2022 | 0 Comments

Members and guests of the Copyright Society of the South enjoyed a webinar on August 24, 2022, with guest speaker Danielle Aguirre of the National Music Publishers’ Association

(NMPA) (  Aguirre serves as Executive Vice President & General Counsel for the organization. CSoS Board member Colin Rushing moderated the event.

Danielle presented information regarding the Phonorecords II Remand, updates since the July 1 response to the CRB, and the Remand’s potential impacts to the copyright landscape.

The Copyright Society of the South was formed in 1988 in Nashville, Tennessee, consisting of music publishers, attorneys, music industry personnel, and academicians interested in the field of copyright law. Its mission is to provide a forum for study and discussion of domestic and international copyright law and other matters pertaining to the entertainment industry. It provides seminars, speakers, presentations, and the opportunity to present various points of view on subjects of interest to the membership. The Society refrains from taking a lobbying role or endorsing or sponsoring political positions or candidates.  The Society also offers a scholarship awards program for students majoring in copyright-related fields.

Members are accepted into the organization by board vote. If you are interested in joining the Copyright Society of the South please complete our membership application on our “How To Join” page on our website, or email us at [email protected] .

Category: Core Content, Event Photos, Event Pics, News

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