Remarks from NMAAM President & CEO Henry Hicks

| November 5, 2019 | 0 Comments

On November 5, 2019, the Copyright Society of the South enjoyed a presentation from H. Beecher Hicks, III, President & CEO of the National Museum of African American Music. The luncheon event was held exclusively for CSoS members and their guests at BMI’s Nashville office on Music Row.

Mr. Hicks presented an informative video overview of the museum which is scheduled to open in early 2020 on Fifth Avenue & Broadway in Nashville, Tennessee. The attendees also enjoyed a generous Q&A session regarding the copyright and licensing efforts required for the museum displays and operations.

The National Museum of African American Music will be a 56,000-square-foot facility that will encourage visitors to discover the many connections and influences that composers have had on all genres of music. From classical to country to jazz and hip hop, NMAAM will integrate history and interactive technology to share the untold story of more than 50 music genres and subgenres.

Copyright Society of the South Board Members welcome Henry Hicks to its November 2019 Luncheon Event. (Photo, L to R): Kent Draughon; Marghie Evans; Janice Bane; Christy Robinson; Henry Hicks; Ted Goldthorpe; Tim Wipperman; Kari Barnhart; Tara Aaron-Stelluto; and Sam Powers.

Category: Core Content, Event Photos, Event Pics, News

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