2019 Board Election Results

| December 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

Congratulations to Brian Buchanan and Aaron Hartley on being elected to our Board of Directors of the Copyright Society of the South!  They will join the incumbents:

Tara Aaron
Janice Bane
Kari Barnhart
Kent Draughon
Marghie Evans
Sam Powers
Christy Robinson
Tim Wipperman

Our officers for 2020 are:
Chairman – Kent Draughon
Vice Chair – Marghie Evans
Secretary – Janice Bane
Treasurer – Sam Powers

We would like to recognize Jodi Carmichael and Ted Goldthorpe who will roll off the Board at the end of 2019.  We appreciate your service!

Many thanks to the candidates that ran and to the members who voted.

Happy Holidays and we will see you in 2020!

Category: Board Elections, Core Content, News, Uncategorized

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