Stan Soocher Reviews the Year in Copyright

| December 13, 2018 | 0 Comments

On December 6, 2018, the Copyright Society of the South enjoyed Stan Soocher’s annual presentation regarding updates in U.S. copyright law.  This was Stan’s 22d consecutive year presenting to the Copyright Society of the South. The luncheon event was held at Nashville’s ASCAP offices for CSoS members and their guests.

Stan Soocher is the long-time Editor-in-Chief of Entertainment Law & Finance. He is also Professor of Music & Entertainment Industry Studies at the University of Colorado’s Denver Campus. In addition, Stan is an award-winning journalist and entertainment attorney. He is author of the books Baby You’re a Rich Man: Suing the Beatles for Fun & Profitand They Fought the Law: Rock Music Goes to Court, the latter which is now available in an updated, expanded edition in Amazon’s Kindle Store.

Additionally, Stan has presented solo speeches and/or participated on panels on entertainment law and industry developments, at among many other venues: the American Bar Association, N.Y. State Bar Association, Nashville Bar Association, South-By-Southwest Music Conference, Dallas Bar Association, Los Angeles County Bar, D.C. Bar, Colorado Bar Association, Minnesota State Bar, Liverpool Sound City Conference, Georgia Bar, New Jersey Bar, Connecticut Bar, Florida Bar, California Lawyers for the Arts, Southern University Law Center, Harvard Law School, Vanderbilt University School of Law, New York University Law School, Indiana University School of Law, Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, Fordham University School of Law, New York Women in Film and Television, Dartmouth Lawyers Association, National Music Publishers Association, the Seattle Museum of Pop Culture, the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association, and the College Music Society.

                  Copyright Society of the South Board Members welcome back Stan Soocher for his annual copyright update.

              L to R:  Tara Aaron; Marghie Evans; Mr. Soocher; Sam Powers


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