2022 Copyright Review with Stan Soocher – 12/8/22

| December 9, 2022 | 0 Comments

On December 8, 2022, the Copyright Society of the South welcomed Stan Soocher (www.stansoocher.com) for his 26th annual copyright review.  The holiday luncheon event was held at BMI (www.bmi.com) for Society members and their guests.  The board of directors surprised Mr. Soocher with an honorary membership in the Society.



Copyright Society of the South board members welcome Stan Soocher as an honorary member.  

(Front Row L to R):  Marghie Evans, Chair; Stan Soocher. 

 (Back Row L to R):  Colin Rushing; Aaron Hartley; John Barker; Tim Wipperman; Kent Draughon.


How to Join

Consideration for Society membership is open to attorneys, business people, academians, administrators and others interested in the field of copyright law.  The Board of Directors has set the annual dues at $250.00 in order to provide top quality speakers, seminars, presentations and an information flow to the membership regarding the field of copyright. The annual dues also cover all normal luncheon and reception costs for members, including meals and beverages and online content/access. Members are accepted into the organization by board vote. If you are interested in joining the Copyright Society of the South please visit our website at https://copyrightsocietyofthesouth.com/how-to-join/ .

Category: Core Content, Event Photos, Event Pics, News

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