October Meeting Review:Updates on the latest developments on copyright law review with Jacqueline Charlesworth from the Judiciary and Copyright Office

| October 24, 2014 | 0 Comments

Jacqueline Charlesworth,  General Counsel of the U.S. Copyright Office and Associate Register of Copyrights, updated the Copyright Society of The South on October 16th. Three main topics were discussed. Copyright Review, Small Claims, and music licensing study. Since 2013  there have been 16 hearings covering all sides of copyright law. For small claims  there are 3,000 copyright cases (on average) a year. Only 1% closed. Many licensing issues that need to be resolved include fair compensation, License efficiency, Usage and payment transparency (Willing Seller/Willing Buyer), PRO consent decrees, and pre 1972 recordings.

For more information and updates visit: http://www.copyright.gov/




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